Invitation to Outreach Workshop-Regional Aristotle University & Inspireurope+


Τhe AUTh team of the Inspireurope+ Supporting Researchers at Risk Project is pleased to invite you to the

Outreach Workshop-Regional, 

Date: March 13, 2025
Venue: Thessaloniki, Greece

This AUTh-Inspireurope+ Workshop aims to bring together high-level representatives of European HEIs, academics, senior level administrative staff,  national representatives, NGOs, project partners, researchers at risk to promote core academic values (especially academic freedom, academic integrity and academic responsibility) in European and global perspective, with a focus on South and South East Europe (attached the draft agenda).

 Agenda and Registration Details:

Also, in case you are interested, the above workshop is part of the Staff Training week organised by the Department of European Educational Programmes of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, on behalf of the Utrecht Network Task Force for Responsible Internationalization and Global Engagement (RIGE Task Force), on “Responsible Internationalization and Institutional Support for At-risk Scholars Access to Higher Education, Training and Employment”.

The Staff Training will be focusing on a variety of themes around global engagement in higher education, responsible internationalization, supporting at-risk scholars, and promoting academic freedom.

If you are involved in this subject, you are very welcome to submit your application. Kindly be aware that there is a limited number of participants and applications will be reviewed accordingly.

Please Note: Participation in the workshop is independent of participation in the Staff Training Week.

10 – 14 March 2025

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Application deadline:
January 20, 2025

There is no fee for participating in the Staff Mobility Week. Participants are however responsible for covering their own accommodation.

Application: (In order to access the application page you first need to login. If you don’t already have an account you can create one via the following link:


For further information please also see the attachment.

We kindly ask for the dissemination of these events to interested academic and administrative staff and we look forward to your Institution’s participation. 

On behalf of Professor Alexandros Triantafyllidis
Inspireurope+ Local Coordinator
Chair of Scholars at Risk Greece Section