Every year, the European Commission awards those EU-funded projects, which demonstrate excellence and new approaches in regional development. With the goal of inspiring other regions and project managers across Europe, participating projects are in the spotlight of communication activities at European level.
The REGIOSTARS are awarded to projects in five thematic categories (smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, urban development and a topic of the year).
In 2019, the REGIOSTARS are focussed on five areas that are crucial for the future of EU regional policy:
High-level academics will assess the submitted project applications and crown the winners.
In addition, the public will decide on its own winner through a public on-line vote and award the Public choice award to one of the projects.
More details on the award categories is in the Guide for Applicants
The Guide for Applicants provides you with all the necessary information to make your project a winner. Next to the detailed description of this year’s award categories, the eligibility and award criteria, this Guide contains a practical handbook to guide your through the process.
The on-line application platform is open from 19 February until 9 May 2019.
The winners in the five categories, and the winner of the public choice, will receive their well-deserved price at the festive REGIOSTARS ceremony, to take place in Brussels in October 2019.